AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible)
[Demonstration videos will be below]
5 Min
5 Burpees (mine were modified)
5 OH Squats (overhead squats)
TOTAL: 5 Burpees/4 OH Squats
3 Min Rest
Row for calories 3Min
TOTAL: 47 Cal
3 Min Rest
10 Dips
5 Hang Power Snatch
TOTAL: 5 Dip/4 HPS
I'm still feeling like I could do a bit more weight...but I'm more concerned about form, still. I'm going to start taking the Olympic lifting class they're offering, as it's a smaller class, Mike said, and the focus is on form, not on time.
I'm noticing fast improvements, too; I can almost do several un-modified push-ups, for one. When I did the sit-ups, my feet weren't popping up off the floor as I came up, and I was almost able to do a full chin-up on my own (I had to have assistance for the rest.)
I'm really looking forward to when I've got the form down and I can start focusing on weight, and when I can also go faster. Then when I can do what they call an "Rx" (prescribed) weight/workout, which means you're doing the CrossFit recommended weight and so on.
Overhead Squat:
Hang Power Snatch:
(Later, what he's doing is a burpee + a muscle-up)
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