Saturday, June 11, 2011


I had every intention of getting up and going to a CrossFit class, except this is the "conversation" I had with my body.

Me: Yes!  It looks like fun.  Plus I'm up and I have a feeling I'll be groggier if I sleep for another hour and a half.

Body:  Uuunnggggg....

Me:  Oh, come on.  You can do it!

Body:  Uhhhhhhnnnnnnggggguhhhh................

Me:  Look!  You get to climb ropes.  Remember?  You've been looking forward to a workout with that, and remember how much fun it was at basic?

Body:  Meh. 

Me: Come on....!

Body: Dude, if you go, you're going to crap out.  If not in the middle of it, in the middle of the day.  You're still tired.

Me:  But –

Body.  No.

Me:  Fine.  I'll look and see if there's one later.  No – the afternoon classes have been cancelled because Mike's going to regionals.

Body:  So?

Me: But it'll be fun!

Body:  Muhhh....I don't want to make the effort of cooking breakfast to take.  Then cleaning up at the office.  Just.  Not.  Feeling it.



Me:  Well, okay.  Fine.  But since I'm awake, and it's too late to go back to sleep, how about yoga.

Body: [Thinking].

Me:  Well?

Body:  [Thinking some more].

Me:  Hello?  Yoga?  It's nice out (though at that moment, I then got a whiff of someone's cigarette smoke wafting through my open terrace door; I have one in my bedroom and one in the living room).

Body:  Mmmmmrrph...well.........maybe.

Me:  Come on.  I'll make some coffee?  Get you going?  It'll be fun.

Body:  That's what you said about the ropes.

Me:  Yoga.  Come on.

Body:  [Thinking again].  *sigh*.   Well...........Okay.  I can do that.

So I did 90 minutes of yoga and felt a lot better.  Still on the tired side.  I know I just have to be more mindful of both sleep and nutrition as my body is working so much harder than it was.  Stooopid plateaus.  :-)

I'm already seeing really awesome results with all of this.  I love that I've found my growing edge, and that when the workouts are done I'm left feeling like I've both done a lot, but could also do more.

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