- Warm up
- Clean progression
- AMRAP in 7 min
- 1-5 ladder hang squat cleans 75/115
- Once you complete 1 set of 1-5, that is 1 round
- Once you pick up the bar for each set, you cannot put it down, or you must repeat that set
- AMRAP in 7 min
- 1-5 ladder push jerk
- Same rules apply
- 5 min rest between
Second part, he took off 10lbs, and I got 3+3
I will be really glad when my form is better. It's annoying to have to think instead of just do.
I've taken this training one step further. I bought an e-book awhile ago about how to improve your pull-ups; it's written by a fellow named Brad McCleod, a former Navy SEAL. I figured if anyone knew how to teach you to do them, it would be a former Navy SEAL. (www.sealgrinderpt.com). I can't quite recall how I came across his Facebook page and website.
That wasn't the one step further, however.
He offers online coaching, two levels; one that's just basic, the other was with more tools plus email access to him. I signed up for that. I felt like I needed some extra accountability, and this is really going to help, as I have to "turn in" my CrossFit WODs to him, plus do ones he creates, based around what I'm wanting to do.
So no slacking, and definitely no whining. I look at the coaching as a birthday present to myself.
So the WOD for today, July 2, was my doing the CrossFit Basline workout for time for him (he has four other workouts he wants me to do so he has an idea of where I am):
- 500 m Row
- 40 BW Squat (body weight)
- 30 Abmat Situps (the Abmat is that pillow-like thing you put under the small of your back)
- 20 Push Ups
- 10 Pullups
My push-ups were modified, and I had to use the pull-up machine at the gym, set to where I was pulling up a weight of 57 pounds.
TIME: 8:52
Then I went into the studio to practice jumping rope or 20 minutes, then I stretched/did yoga for another 20 minutes.
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