Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is It Nap/Ice Cream Time Yet?

I finished today's WOD in 16:14, which is pretty good.  Originally I was going to the 9 am class, but I woke up at 5:20, wide awake, and went to the 7:45 one.

20 Cal Row
30 Burpees
40 Dumbell-to-Ground (or some title like that; you squat down, touch the dumbells to the ground, stand, reach to the sky)
50 Legs-to-Bar -- meaning you hang and bend so your toes touch the bar you dangle from (you fold at the waist so that your toes touch it)
100' Lunge
150' Sprint

(I'm having to go by memory because, haha, the WOD he posted online was NOT the one Mike gave to us.  He looked rather pleased by his deviousness, I will say.)

However, I think I shorted myself 5-6 burpees; I lost count around 15-ish, and then had to pause, then lost count again around 20-21.  However, I misread the board and did 50 dumbells; I used 10 lbs as 15 lbs felt too heavy, but 10 felt too light.  I should have looked for 12.

The Legs-to-Bar I had to just dangle and do knee crunches, with a couple of breaks in-between.  I used a 15lb disk for the lunging; when holding it above my head it felt heavy (I had to rest it on my  head for a bit), but for the actual lunging, it felt a touch too light.

Ah, growing edges.

Then I sprinted, finishing.  I misunderstood the coach and I thought he said we had to do it all through again.  I asked, and he said no, laughing.  I was willing to do it, since that was why I was there, but at the same time I thought:


16:14, even with it being intense, didn't feel like enough, so when I came home I "rogged" 2.50 miles in a little over 22 minutes (I say "rogged" as I wasn't quite jogging, but neither was I was somewhere in-between). I did this on the hill profile on a treadmill downstairs in the little exercise room.  I'm not quite an outdoor runner...yet.  For one thing it's hilly around here (yeah, yeah -- I know.  All the better...but I know the difference between masochism and pushing myself! :-)  )  Next time I'll try "random", which seems to better mimic outdoors.

Then, for another 20ish minutes I alternated between walking at 2.5 mph for 1.5 min, give or take, and


8 mph

I tried to go for minute, and did so up until about 10mph where it ended up being about 30-40 seconds.  I capped out at about 15-20 seconds and had zero wind after that.

But the last 9 mph sprint was for about 30 seconds.

Then I came upstairs, had Second Breakfast, as the Hobbits do, showered, picked up the apartment, played some Boggle on my iPhone, watched some TV and...zonked out for about an hour.

I've done something every day since Monday, which is rare for me, as it usually leads towards sheer mental and physical exhaustion...but so far I'm okay.  I'm considering taking a full day off tomorrow, but I might do something really easy.


I get the "smoking only outside" rule for the apartments here, but I always have at least two smoking inhabitants near me.  So that means, on a day like today when it's nice, their stinky stench of second-hand smoke comes wafting into my apartment -- like right now.  It's even more bothersome in the morning when I'm doing yoga and they get up to have that necessary first smoke of the day.  I just do not get sucking in something that's the equivalent of putting your mouth around the exhaust pipe of a car.  It's their lungs, of course, so they can do whatever they want.  I just shouldn't have to join in.

There's a dude who lived (or still does) below me who also smokes weed.  And the thing is -- it's cheap weed.  I've never smoked it, but if I I can tell it's cheap and crappy, then it's cheap and crappy.  Dude needs to up his allotment for the stuff and get a quarter bag instead of a dime bag, especially if I'm going to have to smell it, too.


I'm tired, but it's a good kind of tired. 

My plan is to schlep myself to the grocery store to get some salmon and fresh veggies to eat raw.  Then I'm going to bed early.  Just please let me sleep in past 5:20, body.  It's the freaking weekend!

-- H


  1. I can't visualize the "legs-to-bar" movement. I think I see that you're hanging at your knees on a bar (the way we used to do on the playground when we were little) but I can't see how you could get your toes to touch the bar.....?????

  2. P.S. I worry a little about your old "repaired" knee in all of's it doing?
