Monday, June 6, 2011


If I don't go to the CrossFit gym, I look at the WOD and see if I can replicate it at Bally; not only could I not replicate today's, I didn't understand half the lingo.  :-)

So I culled through the archives at and found one I could do:

10 Rounds of each for time of:

10 Pull-ups
10 Dips
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats

(I'll call this "Part 1)

I then added, afterwards, a 500m row for time (Part 2), as well as a 1 mile run (Part 3) for time.

I still can't do a pull-up using my own weight yet, so I have to use the gravitron doohickey at Bally.  Since the CrossFit dip is done on rings and not only are there none at Bally, I couldn't do more than about one or two of those.  The website says to substitute three paralell bar dips for every one "regular" dip, but that's a bit far-fetched for me at the moment.  Someday, soon.

At the moment, I weigh about 150, so I set the gravitron at 110 for the pull-ups (100 was too much, though 110 was a bit too light.  I didn't think until later to put a 5lb weight on the pad) and 100 for the dips (same thing there, too; 100 was too light, 90 was too much).

For those who don't know what a gravitron does, it supports you.  So if you weigh 150, and you set it at 110, that means you're lifting 40 lbs.

Part 1: 24:32
Part 2: 2:19
Part 3: 10:14

I'm getting there.  Right now I hear a shower, veggies, chicken and a beer calling me :-)  (Hey -- I've read beer helps with recovery! And it's a microbrew! They have nutrients and probiotics!)

-- H

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