Saturday, June 11, 2011


25 Squats w/16 lb medicine ball (no access to kettlebells)
25 Swings w/16 lb medicine ball
400m Run

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:

12 Push-ups
12 Dips
12 Chin-ups
12 Sit-ups
35 lb push-press, 9 reps

5 rounds in 19:23, 2 1-minute rests between two rounds.

Push-ups: modified
Dips/Chin-ups: gravitron, set to 90 (w00t! Before -- just last week -- it was on 110 or 100!) 

I'm getting there.  I need to do something focused on legs tomorrow.  Or maybe I'll do another round of yoga.  We'll see. 

I know that in the last several years, yoga's become a big part of a lot of fitness routines.  I used to think it was just fancy stretching, and then I started taking classes at my gym and had a big eye-opener.  I reached a growing edge there, as she only does so much since it isn't a studio with levels of learning you can do. 

I then came across some DVDs by a yogini named Shiva Rea, and she's awesome.  Her DVDs are cool because you can either do preset routines, or you can create your own.  And they're all "grow-with-me" DVDs, as she has moves that are for beginners, intermediate and advanced students.  I have to get a new one of one of them, though, as my Playstation refuses to read it, even though my Mac does.

Even though I know yoga has become far more widely-accepted in all levels of fitness, I was still amused when I looked at the site at their class schedules, and one day (the first one for an academy set of classes) was something to the effect of:

Macho stuff
Manly stuff
Hard stuff

Their classes are based on Hell Week (though with more sleep, I'm guessing) as I had this picture in my head of a bunch of dudes in Downward Dog with their butts in the air or Warrior Pose, or standing in the graceful Mountan Pose looking serenely out at the rolling ocean.  Heehee.
The CrossFit gym I go to wants to put in a yoga class, too, because it does so much for you -- strength training, core training, flexibility. 
I've read in some places that if you do yoga you should NEVER EVER NEVER EVER even come within 50 feet of any kind of weights...but I think that's a big load of steaming poo.  I get better results from my gym stuff when I do it, and better results from yoga with my gym stuff.  Plus yoga really helps with strengthening your c ore -- where I'm the weakest, I think.

Well, now I'm off to get cleaned up and ready for a fruit beer brewfest.  I nice way to eradicate all my hard work this morning, don't you think?

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