Saturday, June 18, 2011

WODs for 16JUN11/18JUN11


Annie and Nicole….Good times!
      [There are several CF workouts named after people.  Many of them are for men who have died in
      service; mostly military, a few police, SWAT and firemen.]

      [This is where you jumprope, passing the rope under your feet twice before landing; I hadn't
      touched a jumprope since I don't know when, so I had to do singles; Mike said for those of us
      doing that, it was 3:1, so the progression was 150-120-90-60-30.  Yes, I did them all.  I think I left
      my right calf muscle somewhere in the gym, though my left was also sore by the next afternoon!.]

Abmat sit ups
      [An Abmat is something you put at the small of your back for the situp; it works you harder, but it
      also takes the stress off your lower back, making it easier -- at least it feels easier to me.]

What you do for the workout above, is the DUs/singles, then you do the situps, then the next number of jumps, then situps, and so on.

Time: 16:07  Max was 20.

400m run
Max rep pull-ups
      [I did jumping pull-ups, where you jump to the height of your collar bone, then lower yourself
      down into a semi-crouching position, hands still on the bars.  I used an 18" stool.  My deltoids
      weren't as sore the next day as I expected.]

(So you do the pull-ups, run, pull-ups, run....)

20 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible); Mike had those of us doing jumping pull-ups do a max of 25 each time, but I felt like I could do more.)
Score is total # of pull-ups

400m is once around the building where the gym is (well, "gym" is more like a big storage space with equipment.  It's about as bare as you can get.  I love it).  I did fine the first time, though I discovered I chose a direction opposite from everyone else.  Ha.

Second time around I started thinking, Gee, where is everyone this time? Did I get that much out of sync?  Then, Man -- I don't remember it feeling this far last time -- !

Not that I felt strained...just time-wise it felt farther.  Then I rounded the corner of the building and realized I'd gone around both buildings for a total of 700m that time.  As I approached the gym door again, Mike was outside, looking thoroughly amused, and serenaded me with the old Sesame Street song, "One of these things is not like the other / One of these things, doesn't belong...!"

Har har.  :-)

I asked if I got extra credit for that and he said no; I asked if that made up for not doing the double-unders...nope.  Heehee.

For the last two 400m I chose to row.  My left knee felt a touch persnickety.  Years ago, I had minor surgery on it and I still think they left a barometer in it, as I can really feel the change in weather sometimes.

My total number of jumping pull-ups was 100.

Rest day; I was pooped.


Warm up
“ Bear Complex”
5 rounds of
Front squat
OH press
Back squat
OH press
Touch down and go
This is 1 rep, 7 reps is 1 round
Women's start weight is 65
Men's is 95
Increase weight each round to max successful round
You may rest anywhere except with bar on ground during each round

I'm still working on form, so Mike had me do a slightly different version of a clean, which is this:

 I couldn't get the form down right on that today, so Mike had me do this, instead:

So the movement was to do the thruster, squat, come up and press into the overhead press (as shown in the second video), then lower the bar so it sits on your shoulders (picture someone carrying a pole with water buckets on each end), squat, come up and into a thrust, then lower.

That was considered one rep.  So you do all that seven times for one round.  Then you pause, add weight and start over.

The weights given above are for people in primo shape; little neophytes like me start at less.  I started with 40 and got up to a whopping 45 (Hooyah!).  :-D

I probably could have done more, but Mike wanted me to focus more on form, which is more important right now than weight.

I also discovered I deadlifted 10 more pounds than I thought on Monday; I thought the bar I took from a corner were the 35lb ones, but I found out they were the 45lb ones.  No wonder I felt like Quasimodo all the next day and much of the following -- !

I'm getting there!

One other thing I love about CrossFit, other than the results and the fun, is that I'm meeting some really great, nice, fun people (Mike and Christine, the owners are awesome, too), and what's even "awesomer" (if that's a word) is that it's also a place where I can say, "Well, F&$%!" or "Holy SH$%!" with an "outside voice".

Or any tantalizing, tasty combination of words that might make the heartiest and gruffest of Merchant Marines blush.

Something you can't do at a standard gym.  :-)

Well, I have, but usually under my breath.  At least I think it was that soft; sometimes, with the music in my ears I'll hear myself say, "Well #$%&!" and then think, Oops! Did I just say that out loud?  And, if so, at what volume?!

So far, I've never found anyone looking at me afterwards, so that's a good sign.

Oh, I did place an order for a jumprope and an Abmat to use on my own; as Mike said, the 3:1 ratio (CrossFit standard is 10:1 -- yikes!) is a good incentive to learn how to do the double-unders.  Yes.  Yes, it is...!

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