Saturday, July 2, 2011

WODs 1JUL11/2JUL11

I was ill for several days -- flattened for two, then walking around with a permanent ice cream headache and sense of motion sickness for another three -- so I didn't get any exercise in until yesterday:

  • Warm up
  • Clean progression
  • MAIN
  • AMRAP in 7 min  
  • 1-5 ladder hang squat cleans   75/115
  • Once you complete 1 set of 1-5, that is 1 round
  • Once you pick up the bar for each set, you cannot put it down, or you must repeat that set
  • AMRAP in 7 min
  • 1-5 ladder push jerk
  • Same rules apply
  • 5 min rest between
First part I did 40lbs, 2+3 (two complete rounds, plus three reps).  Some time got used up because the instructor had me put on more weight.
Second part, he took off 10lbs, and I got 3+3

I will be really glad when my form is better.  It's annoying to have to think instead of just do.

I've taken this training one step further.  I bought an e-book awhile ago about how to improve your pull-ups; it's written by a fellow named Brad McCleod, a former Navy SEAL.  I figured if anyone knew how to teach you to do them, it would be a former Navy SEAL.  (  I can't quite recall how I came across his Facebook page and website.

That wasn't the one step further, however.

He offers online coaching, two levels; one that's just basic, the other was with more tools plus email access to him.  I signed up for that.  I felt like I needed some extra accountability, and this is really going to help, as I have to "turn in" my CrossFit WODs to him, plus do ones he creates, based around what I'm wanting to do. 

So no slacking, and definitely no whining.  I look at the coaching as a birthday present to myself.

So the WOD for today, July 2, was my doing the CrossFit Basline workout for time for him (he has four other workouts he wants me to do so he has an idea of where I am):
  • 500 m Row
  • 40 BW Squat (body weight)
  • 30 Abmat Situps (the Abmat is that pillow-like thing you put under the small of your back)
  • 20 Push Ups
  • 10 Pullups

My push-ups were modified, and I had to use the pull-up machine at the gym, set to where I was pulling up a weight of 57 pounds.

TIME: 8:52

Then I went into the studio to practice jumping rope or 20 minutes, then I stretched/did yoga for another 20 minutes.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible)
[Demonstration videos will be below]

5 Min
5 Burpees (mine were modified)
5 OH Squats (overhead squats)
TOTAL: 5 Burpees/4 OH Squats

3 Min Rest

Row for calories 3Min
TOTAL: 47 Cal

3 Min Rest

10 Dips
5 Hang Power Snatch
TOTAL: 5 Dip/4 HPS

I'm still feeling like I could do a bit more weight...but I'm more concerned about form, still.  I'm going to start taking the Olympic lifting class they're offering, as it's a smaller class, Mike said, and the focus is on form, not on time.

I'm noticing fast improvements, too; I can almost do several un-modified push-ups, for one.  When I did the sit-ups, my feet weren't popping up off the floor as I came up, and I was almost able to do a full chin-up on my own (I had to have assistance for the rest.)

I'm really looking forward to when I've got the form down and I can start focusing on weight, and when I can also go faster.  Then when I can do what they call an "Rx" (prescribed) weight/workout, which means you're doing the CrossFit recommended weight and so on.


Overhead Squat:

Hang Power Snatch:


(Later, what he's doing is a burpee + a muscle-up)

Friday, June 24, 2011


Chin up pyramid   1-7-1
7 x 7
(7reps  7rounds)
Box jumps   24/30
Push up hands free
      (You go all the way down to your chest, then remove your hands, then push back up)
Sit ups
Hang power clean   75/115 (I did 30; I could have done an extra 10 pounds, I think)

Pull ups  dead hang (jumping for me -- jump up, lower yourself slowly)
Wall ball

TIME: 25:37

Note to Self: Use a mat on your modified keep making the bruise on your left kneecap worse!  :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WOD 21JUN11/22JUN11

Skill = Jerk [split]

I didn't split as shown in the video; I just jumped slightly as I pushed up.  I'll work on the split later.  That way I can focus on learning form for one thing at a time.

Strength = OH Press
3x3 @ 85%
20 box jumps  24/30
15 KB sw  53/70
10 Back squat   65/95-----85/115
5 Jerks  65/95----85/115
3 rounds for time

I used a fairly light weight as I'm still working on form (I still feel like I could have done about ten pounds more, though).  18lb kettlebell.

OH = Overhead Press:

Back Squat:

Kettlebell Swing:

Stepped up on 20" box.  I was a tad uncertain of my coordination at 5:45 in the morning.

TIME: 7:34

Hooyah!  I'm down 4lbs since starting CrossFit!

WOD 22JUN11:

Yoga, one hour

Saturday, June 18, 2011

WODs for 16JUN11/18JUN11


Annie and Nicole….Good times!
      [There are several CF workouts named after people.  Many of them are for men who have died in
      service; mostly military, a few police, SWAT and firemen.]

      [This is where you jumprope, passing the rope under your feet twice before landing; I hadn't
      touched a jumprope since I don't know when, so I had to do singles; Mike said for those of us
      doing that, it was 3:1, so the progression was 150-120-90-60-30.  Yes, I did them all.  I think I left
      my right calf muscle somewhere in the gym, though my left was also sore by the next afternoon!.]

Abmat sit ups
      [An Abmat is something you put at the small of your back for the situp; it works you harder, but it
      also takes the stress off your lower back, making it easier -- at least it feels easier to me.]

What you do for the workout above, is the DUs/singles, then you do the situps, then the next number of jumps, then situps, and so on.

Time: 16:07  Max was 20.

400m run
Max rep pull-ups
      [I did jumping pull-ups, where you jump to the height of your collar bone, then lower yourself
      down into a semi-crouching position, hands still on the bars.  I used an 18" stool.  My deltoids
      weren't as sore the next day as I expected.]

(So you do the pull-ups, run, pull-ups, run....)

20 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible); Mike had those of us doing jumping pull-ups do a max of 25 each time, but I felt like I could do more.)
Score is total # of pull-ups

400m is once around the building where the gym is (well, "gym" is more like a big storage space with equipment.  It's about as bare as you can get.  I love it).  I did fine the first time, though I discovered I chose a direction opposite from everyone else.  Ha.

Second time around I started thinking, Gee, where is everyone this time? Did I get that much out of sync?  Then, Man -- I don't remember it feeling this far last time -- !

Not that I felt strained...just time-wise it felt farther.  Then I rounded the corner of the building and realized I'd gone around both buildings for a total of 700m that time.  As I approached the gym door again, Mike was outside, looking thoroughly amused, and serenaded me with the old Sesame Street song, "One of these things is not like the other / One of these things, doesn't belong...!"

Har har.  :-)

I asked if I got extra credit for that and he said no; I asked if that made up for not doing the double-unders...nope.  Heehee.

For the last two 400m I chose to row.  My left knee felt a touch persnickety.  Years ago, I had minor surgery on it and I still think they left a barometer in it, as I can really feel the change in weather sometimes.

My total number of jumping pull-ups was 100.

Rest day; I was pooped.


Warm up
“ Bear Complex”
5 rounds of
Front squat
OH press
Back squat
OH press
Touch down and go
This is 1 rep, 7 reps is 1 round
Women's start weight is 65
Men's is 95
Increase weight each round to max successful round
You may rest anywhere except with bar on ground during each round

I'm still working on form, so Mike had me do a slightly different version of a clean, which is this:

 I couldn't get the form down right on that today, so Mike had me do this, instead:

So the movement was to do the thruster, squat, come up and press into the overhead press (as shown in the second video), then lower the bar so it sits on your shoulders (picture someone carrying a pole with water buckets on each end), squat, come up and into a thrust, then lower.

That was considered one rep.  So you do all that seven times for one round.  Then you pause, add weight and start over.

The weights given above are for people in primo shape; little neophytes like me start at less.  I started with 40 and got up to a whopping 45 (Hooyah!).  :-D

I probably could have done more, but Mike wanted me to focus more on form, which is more important right now than weight.

I also discovered I deadlifted 10 more pounds than I thought on Monday; I thought the bar I took from a corner were the 35lb ones, but I found out they were the 45lb ones.  No wonder I felt like Quasimodo all the next day and much of the following -- !

I'm getting there!

One other thing I love about CrossFit, other than the results and the fun, is that I'm meeting some really great, nice, fun people (Mike and Christine, the owners are awesome, too), and what's even "awesomer" (if that's a word) is that it's also a place where I can say, "Well, F&$%!" or "Holy SH$%!" with an "outside voice".

Or any tantalizing, tasty combination of words that might make the heartiest and gruffest of Merchant Marines blush.

Something you can't do at a standard gym.  :-)

Well, I have, but usually under my breath.  At least I think it was that soft; sometimes, with the music in my ears I'll hear myself say, "Well #$%&!" and then think, Oops! Did I just say that out loud?  And, if so, at what volume?!

So far, I've never found anyone looking at me afterwards, so that's a good sign.

Oh, I did place an order for a jumprope and an Abmat to use on my own; as Mike said, the 3:1 ratio (CrossFit standard is 10:1 -- yikes!) is a good incentive to learn how to do the double-unders.  Yes.  Yes, it is...!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WOD 14JUN11 / 15JUN11

Yesterday's WOD consisted of my coming  home, showering, having dinner and crashing into sleep on my couch around 7:30, iPhone clutched in my hands as I checked Facebook.  I managed to pause the episode of Pushing Daisies streaming through Netflix and my PS3, but when I woke up (well, raised my eyelids to confront a state of grogginess) around 8:15 , I couldn't even keep them up long enough to finish the last ten minutes.  I kept nodding off and sort of half-dreaming/half-hallucinating about what I could hear.

I also spent that day lurching around the office and my home like Quasimoto (though I can say I'm a heck of a lot prettier) due to the incredible sore back I had from the workout the day before.  To that, I do have to say w00t! because it means I'm breaking through that nasty plateau I was in.  I guess in Military-ese that would be Booyah, Hooyah, Oo-rah or Hooah depending on your branch.  I can't recall having one in the Air Force. :-)

Anyhoo.  That was my workout yesterday: managing to bathe and feed myself before I crashed into sleep consisting of weird dreams.  I woke up at one point thinking it had been hours of sleep, but it had only been about ninety minutes.  I did sleep very well, but I'm guessing the muscle relaxant and melatonin I took had something to do with that.  And the dreams.

I woke up to a less-sore back, and repeated my efforts yesterday of sitting against a heating pad on low, then stretching when I stood to do something.  Which I could barely do yesterday...though I did manage to use my trusty rolling pin over my back to work over the sorest spots.  Handy things, rolling pins.  I rarely never bake, and if I do it's cookies and nothing that requires rolling out dough (it got left behind by my brother when he lived with me for awhile), but it works nicely as a massage implement.

I (briefly) considered going to a class tonight, but when I did I felt my back leap out of me and scamper out the door leaving a trail of barking sounds akin to a yelping dog running away in sheer terror.  So I opted out and did an hour or so of yoga instead.

In the immortal words of Judge Harry T. Stone's father on Night Court, I'm feeling MUCH better now.

Monday, June 13, 2011


So...I over-extended myself a touch on Saturday.

I left the gym that day feeling good, like I'd gotten a decent workout, but not like I'd done too much.  But as the next couple of hours wobbled on, I started feeling it.  Now, in any other moment, I'd have taken it easy on my terrace with a book or my laptop, but it was the afternoon of the Fruit Beer Beerfest.

I thought my legs hadn't gotten much done, given all I did was some squats with a 16lb medicine ball and some swings with it.  But they began to ache as my hour of departure left, and I could really feel them as I drove over to my brother's house, then as we walked...then as we stood around -- in the sun.  I did get to sit down in the shade at some point; it wasn't terribly hot, but it was a heck of a lot warmer than it has been, so it caught us all off-guard.  I did smartly wear shorts.  Most people were in jeans.

I didn't have a lot of beer -- maybe the equivalent of a pint or two over a few hours, and I did have a lo of water before and after, but I apparently was still really dehydrated.  All I did was suck down Gatorade-laced water on Sunday (I fell asleep on my couch the night before on Saturday at about 7:40), and that's where I stayed all the next day.

I'm still on the tired side, but not exhausted.  (Really, really weird dreams last night).

My mother thought I ought to go down to the wharf where the Navy ships for the Rose Festival are docked and do some competition that happens every year with the SEALs that come.  It would be fun, but I think that's something that's a few more CrossFit workouts away.  :-)

Anyhoo.  Today's:

WARM UP -- Wall balls with partners, 800m run

1-10 ring dips/dips
10-1 Dead lift
         [What this means is you do 10 dips, then 1 deadlift, then 9 dips and 2 deadlifts -- and so on, making it so you do a total of 11 each set].

My deadlift weight was 85.  I feel like I could have done a touch more...which means it was just right.  (My hamstrings are saying something different, however....)

12 min time limit
 My time: 9:57

Scale so you can finish in time and keep working through the entire WOD…if you stop for more than a few seconds you are not getting the proper response to the WOD…I want you going hard the whole time, little to no breaks

I did have to stop and catch my breath a couple of times, but not too much.

Squat snatch progression/drills
Build to max

          [I had to substitute rowing as I was really pooped by then; still a bit on the tired side from Saturday].

And, in the immortal words of the Professor on Futurama: Good news, everyone! I've lost 3 lbs since I've started all this.
